Post by BigStick on Sept 5, 2011 15:03:51 GMT
Thanks for the update!
Post by gollem9 on Sept 16, 2011 20:05:17 GMT
Magelogger public release v14 (Timer expanded). www.datafilehost.com/download-a0e6b30b.html- Since the timer timeout came unexpected, I had to roll back a lot of the "tasty" updates. Still Included in update : - Reworked complete logwatching logic, which should make it more resistant to file-flips - Hola's and healers now show up in the details tab - Checkbox for automatic file detection (If disabled you can force the logger to ask you what file is the start of the run) - Bugfix for the augmenter searcher - Bugfix for the run export - Renamed to Gollem9's Logger (Since the original name led peeps to believe it was for mages only )
Post by gollem9 on Sept 17, 2011 14:13:45 GMT
Lol after winging to my friends yesterday on skype that I had accidentally deleted all my inventories and bankchests in the logger, the ancient gormuppedon put it to my (and to everyone's rejoicing the most possible peeps) attention that I had uploaded them along with my latest version... golliesigh ... Being such a good bro, I know he will not let me live that one down (complete with voice impression and all ) Concrete : I have updated the DL links to the same version without my info www.datafilehost.com/download-a0e6b30b.html
Post by xarkon on Sept 22, 2011 0:35:18 GMT
Logger (v14) seems to crash my system - one blue screen of death after a few minutes of play and one black screen with cursor and NWN music playing in background but otherwise frozen. This is the first time I've tried to use your logger (so no experience w prior versions).
I've got a Windows XP machine that is reasonably up to date with updated JRE 6 26...so not sure what the issue is. I move the logger over to a 2nd screen once it comes up.
When it was running seemed a bit flakey, no spells showing up in main screen, though damage dealt by spells did show up and seemed to be tracking area, kills, saves etc. Couldn't get myself to show up in party window (party of 1), though did in the toon slot.
Any thoughts as to what might be wrong would be appreciated...
Post by gollem9 on Sept 22, 2011 15:32:41 GMT
Magelogger public release v14 (Small bugfix) www.datafilehost.com/download-e0248bb0.htmlBugfix for - Crashing - Spells window not working. Try that one plz, should be more stable. If problem persists : * Plz give some more info about how you start it : exe, bat or jre directly * Start it with this command in a dos box : "java -jar testnew.jar >> log.txt" After it crashes, send me the log.txt file it generates
Post by xarkon on Sept 23, 2011 1:53:32 GMT
Thanks for looking at it, seems more stable than it was, and spells show up but still hanging on me. Also cant seem to get party window to populate. Sent you log and cmd window errors via PM. Seems to happen when I am fooling with it on 2nd monitor bu very inconsistently...anyone else runnign it on a 2nd monitor (windows extended desktop?).
Post by BigStick on Sept 23, 2011 22:22:53 GMT
I run it on a 2nd monitor, but am using Win 7 - 64. It works fine most of the time, though it has had trouble changing log files in the past.
Post by vorshlumpf on Sept 30, 2011 19:02:43 GMT
I feel that I'm missing something simple, but is there a way to use this logger to analyze old files are create a summary? I'd like to grab info from logs such as a particular boss' AB, immunities, etc without having to wade through 3.5 MB of text.
Overall, I must say that this logger is quite impressive!
- Niilo
Post by wolf on Dec 2, 2011 1:32:56 GMT
Golly the logger is time expired bro
Post by FunkySwerve on Dec 2, 2011 2:58:44 GMT
Do you mean the link, or the program itself? I can rehost a link - I think the version I downloaded for safekeeping is current.
Post by BigStick on Dec 2, 2011 11:20:48 GMT
His built-in check that prevents the app from executing past a given date has activated. The version is no longer valid.
Post by gollem9 on Dec 5, 2011 18:44:13 GMT
Post by TJ on Dec 5, 2011 20:08:37 GMT
Golly, is there a reason you dont have the program check online whether it should "expire" or not? This way, you could force all programs to "expire" if you release an update, but easily extend the expiration date if it is close. I *think* it could be as simple as just reading a text file or xml file hosted somewhere that contains the word yes or no... thats just my 2¢.
Post by gollem9 on Dec 8, 2011 21:00:59 GMT
Heya TJ, Good suggestion, I'll look into it
Post by gollem9 on Dec 11, 2011 21:18:18 GMT